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JS, Chandy AM, Chua R, Miall RC, Cole JC, Farnè A,
Ivry RB, Sarlegna FR (2024). Minimal impact of chronic
proprioceptive loss on implicit sensorimotor
adaptation and perceived movement outcome. J
132(3):770-780. doi: 10.1152/jn.00096.2024 [PDF]
A, Di Luca M, Aves P, Maaroufi M, Yeo S-H, Miall RC,
Holland P, Galea JM. (2023) A Methodological Framework
to Assess the Accuracy of Virtual Reality
Hand-Tracking Systems: A case study with the Meta
Quest 2. Behavior Research Methods, on-line
https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-022-02051-8. [PDF]
Aloi D,
Jalali R, Calzolari S, Lafanechere M, Miall RC &
Fernández-Espejo D (2023). Multi-session tDCS paired
with passive mobilisation of the thumb modulates
thalamo-cortical coupling during command following in
the healthy brain. NeuroImage, 274:12045 [PDF]
M, Lalji N, Lin C-HS, Galea JM, Jenkinson N, Miall RC.
(2023) Short duration event related cerebellar TDCS
enhances visuomotor adaptation. Brain Stim., on
line DOI: 10.1016/j.brs.2023.01.1673. [PDF]
M, Brittain JS, Hall A, Miall RC, Jenkinson N. (2022)
Timing is everything: Event-related
transcranial direct current stimulation improves motor
adaptation. Brain Stimul.15(3):750-757. [PDF]
M, Brittain JS, Miall RC, Jenkinson N. (2022) Residual
errors in visuomotor adaptation persist despite extended
motor preparation periods. J Neurophysiol.
127(2):519-528. [PDF]
Aloi D,
Jalali R, Tilsley P, Miall RC, Fernández-Espejo D.
(2022) tDCS modulates effective
connectivity during motor command following; a potential
therapeutic target for disorders of consciousness. Neuroimage.
247:118781. [PDF]
Gilbert M
& Miall RC (2021) How and why the cerebellum recodes
input: an alternative to machine learning. The
Neuroscientist, in press. [PDF]
Gilbert M
& Miall RC (2021 Gating by functionally indivisible
cerebellar circuits: A hypothesis. The Cerebellum
(online) doi.org/10.1007/s12311-020-01223-6 [PDF]
Miall RC, D
Afanasyeva, Cole JD, Mason P. (2021) The role of
somatosensation in automatic visuomotor control: a
comparison of congenital and acquired sensory loss. Exp.
Brain Res. 239: 2043-2061. [PDF]
Miall RC, D
Afanasyeva, Cole JD, Mason P. (2021) Perception of body
shape and size without touch or proprioception: evidence
from individuals with congenital and acquired neuropathy.
Exp. Brain Res. 239: 1203-1221.[PDF]
M, Brittain J-S, Miall RC, Jenkinson N. (2021) Direct and
indirect effects of cathodal cerebellar TDCS on visuomotor
adaptation of hand and arm movements. Sci Reports, 11:
Kitchen NR,
Miall RC. (2020) Adaptation of reach action to a novel
force-field is not predicted by acuity of dynamic
proprioception in either older or younger adults. Exp
Brain Res. 239: 557-574. [PDF]
Coulborn S,
Bowman H, Miall RC, Fernández-Espejo D. (2020) Effect of
tDCS over the right inferior parietal lobule on
mind-wandering propensity. Frontiers Human Neuroscience
14: 230. [PDF]
Weightman M,
Brittain J-S, Punt D, Miall RC, Jenkinson N. (2020) Targeted
TDCS selectively improves motor adaptation with the proximal
and distal upper limb. Brain Stim., 13:
707-716. [PDF]
Caligiore D,
Arbib M, Miall RC, Baldassarre G. (2019) The super-learning
hypothesis: integrating learning processes across cortex,
cerebellum and basal ganglia. Neuroscience &
Biobehavioral Reviews. 100: 19-34 [PDF]
Kitchen NR,
Miall RC. (2019) Proprioceptive deficits in inactive older
adults are not reflected in fast targeted reaching
performance. Exp. Brain Res. 237: 531-545. [PDF]
Lin C-H,
Tierney T, Holmes N, Boto E, Leggett J, Bestmann S, Bowtell
R, Brookes MJ, Barnes GR, Miall RC (2019) Using
optically-pumped magnetometers to measure
magneto-encephalographic signals in the human cerebellum. J
Physiol. 597: 4309-4324 [PDF]
Miall RC,
Rosenthal O, Ørstavik K, Cole J, Sarlegna FR. (2019) Loss of
haptic feedback impairs control of hand posture: a study in
chronically deafferented individuals when grasping and
lifting objects. Exp Brain Res. 237: 2167-2184[PDF]
Rosenthal O,
Wing AM, Wyatt J, Punt D, Ko-Ko C, Miall RC. (2019) Boosting
robot-assisted rehabilitation after stroke by individualized
selection of upper limb movements - a proof of concept. JNER
16: 42[PDF]
Tchalenko J
& Miall RC. (2019) Auguste Rodin Draws Blind: An Art and
Psychology Study. Leonardo, Int. J. Arts & Sciences.
52: 483-491 [PDF]
Jalali R,
Chowdhury A, Mayhew SD, Wilson M, Miall RC, Galea JM. (2018)
Neural changes associated with cerebellar tDCS studied using
MR spectroscopy and resting-state fMRI. Exp. Brain Res.
236: 997-1006. [PDF]
Miall RC,
Kitchen NM, Nam S-H, Lefumat H, Renault AG, Ørstavik K, Cole
JD, Sarlegna FR (2018) Proprioceptive loss and the
perception, control and learning of arm movements in humans:
Evidence from sensory neuronopathy. Exp Brain Res 236: 2137-2155.
Renault AG,
Lefumat HZ, Miall RC, Bringoux L, Bourdin C, Vercher J-L
& Sarlegna FR. (2020) Individual movement features
during prism adaptation correlate with after-effects and
interlimb transfer. Psych Res. 84: 866-880 [PDF]
Renault AG,
Auvray M, Parseihian G, Miall RC, Cole J & Sarlegna FR.
(2018) Does proprioception influence human spatial
cognition? A study on individuals with massive
deafferentation. Front. Psychol. 9: 1322. [PDF]
Thomaschke R,
Miall RC, Rueß M, Mehta PR, Hopkins B. (2018) Visuomotor and
motorvisual priming with different types of set level
congruency: Evidence in support of ideomotor theory, and the
Planning and Control Model (PCM). Psych Res epub:
82: 1073-1090.
Gonzalez CC,
Causer J, Grey MJ, Humphreys GW, Miall RC, Williams AM.
(2017) Exploring the quiet eye in archery using field- and
laboratory-based tasks. Exp Brain Res. 235: 2843-2855.
Jalali R,
Miall RC, Galea J. (2017) No consistent effect of cerebellar
transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on visuomotor
adaptation. J Neurophysiol. 118: 655-665. [PDF]
Lesage E,
Hansen PC & Miall RC (2017) The right lateral cerebellum
represents linguistic predictability. J Neurosci. 37: 6231-41.
Miall RC,
Cole J, Haggard PN (2017) Control of wrist movement in
deafferented man: evidence for a mixed strategy of position
and amplitude control. Exp Brain Res. 235: 3403-3416
MTN, Joundi RA, Benitez-Riveiro S, Cheeran B, Butler B,
Nemeth A, Miall RC, Jenkinson N. (2017) Reduced
after-effects following visuomotor adaptation as an early
behavioural marker in spinocerebellar ataxia type 6. Sci
Reports, 7: 2366. [PDF]
Rosenthal O,
Wing AM, Wyatt J, Punt D, Miall RC. (2017) Mapping
upper-limb motor impairment after stroke - a proof of
concept. J NeuroEng and Neurorehab. 14: 127-. [PDF]
Sokolov AA,
Miall RC, Ivry RB. (2017) The Cerebellum: Adaptive
Prediction for Movement and Cognition. TICS21:
313-332. [PDF]
Westwood SJ,
Olson A, Miall RC, Nappo R, Romani C. (2017) tDCS modulation
of naming in healthy participants: Negative results and
still no explanation - a response to a commentary by Gauvin
et al. (2017). Cortex, in press.
Caligiore D, Pezzulo G, Baldassarre G, Bostan AC, Strick PL,
Doya K, Helmich RC, Dirkx M, Houk J, Jörntell H,
Lago-Rodriguez A, Galea JM, Miall RC, Popa T, Kishore A,
Verschure P, Zucca R, Herreros I. (2016) Towards a
systems-level view of cerebellar function: the interplay
between cerebellum, basal ganglia and cortex. Cerebellum,
16: 203-229. [PDF]
Christou A,
Miall RC, McNab F, Galea J. (2016) Individual differences in
explicit and implicit visuomotor learning and working memory
capacity. Sci. Reports 6: 36633. [PDF]
Grimaldi G,
Argyropoulos GP, Bastian A, Cortes M, Davis NJ, Edwards DJ,
Ferrucci R, Fregni F, Galea JM, Hamada M, Manto M, Miall RC,
Morales-Quezada L, Pope PA, Priori A, Rothwell J, Tomlinson
SP & Celnik P. (2016) Cerebellar Transcranial Direct
Current Stimulation (ctDCS): A Novel Approach To Understand
Cerebellar Function In Health And Disease. The
Neuroscientist 22: 83-97. [PDF]
A & Miall RC. (2016) Online visual feedback during
error-free channel trials leads to active unlearning of
movement dynamics: evidence for adaptation to trajectory
prediction errors. Front Human Neurosci. 10: 472. [PDF]
Lefumat HZ,
Miall RC, Cole JD, Bringoux L, Bourdin C, Vercher J-L,
Sarlegna F. (2016) Generalization of force-field adaptation
in proprioceptively deafferented subjects. Neurosci
Lettrs. 616: 160-195 [PDF]
Miall RC,
Antony J, Goldsmith-Sumner A, Harding SR, McGovern C, Winter
JL. (2016) Modulation of linguistic prediction by TDCS of
the right lateral cerebellum. Neuropsychologia, 86,
103-109 [PDF]
Westwood SJ,
Olson A, Miall RC, Nappo R, Romani C. (2016) Limits to tDCS
effects in language: Failures to modulate word production in
healthy participants with frontal or temporal tDCS. Cortex:
86: 64-82. [PDF]
Gonzalez C, Causer J, Grey M, Miall RC, Williams M. (2015)
Identifying the causal mechanisms of the quiet eye. Eur
J Sport Sci. 17: 74-84 [PDF]
Lefumat H,
Vercher J-L, Miall RC, Cole J, Buloup F, Bringoux L, Bourdin
C & Sarlegna FR. To transfer or not to transfer?
Individual kinematics and brain lateralization predict
interlimb transfer of sensorimotor adaptation. J
Neurophysiol. 114: 2764-2774.[PDF]
Lesage E,
Nailer EL, Miall RC (2015) Cerebellar BOLD signal during the
acquisition of a new lexicon predicts its early
consolidation. Brain & Language 161: 33-44. [PDF]
M, Miall RC, Jenkinson N (2015) The role of the posterior
cerebellum in saccadic adaptation: a Transcranial Direct
Current Stimulation study. J Neurosci, 35: 5471-79.
Pope P,
Brenton J, Miall RC (2015) Task-specific facilitation of
cognition by anodal transcranial direct current stimulation
of the prefrontal cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 25: 4551-4558.
Grimaldi G,
Argyropoulos GP, Boehringer A, Celnik P, Edwards MJ,
Ferrucci R, Galea JM, Groiss SJ, Hiraoka K, Kassavetis P,
Lesage E, Manto M, Miall RC, Priori A, Sadnicka A, Ugawa Y,
Ziemann U. (2014) Non-invasive cerebellar stimulation - A
consensus paper. Cerebellum, 13: 121-38. [PDF]
Hardwick R,
Lesage E, Miall RC (2014) Cerebellar transcranial magnetic
stimulation: the role of coil geometry and tissue depth. Brain
Stimulation 7: 643-649. [PDF]
Miall RC, Nam
S-H, Tchalenko J The influence of stimulus format on drawing
- a functional imaging study of decision making in portrait
drawing. NeuroImage 102: 608-619 [PDF]
Pope P, Miall
RC (2014) Restoring cognitive functions using non-invasive
brain stimulation techniques in patients with cerebellar
disorders. Frontiers in Neuropsychiatric Imaging and
Stimulation, 5:33.
Sami S,
Robertson EM, Miall RC (2014) The time course of
task-specific memory consolidation effects in resting state
networks. J Neuroscience, 34: 3982-92 [PDF]
Tchalenko J,
Nam S-H, Moshe & Miall RC (2014) The Gaze-Shift Strategy
in Drawing. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and
the Arts(in press) [PDF]
Caligiore D,
Pezzulo G, Baldassarre G, Miall RC (2013) The contribution
of brain sub-cortical loops in the expression and
acquisition of action understanding abilities. Neurosci.
& Biobehav. Reviews, 37: 2504-15. [PDF]
Hardwick RM,
Rottschy C, Miall RC and Eickhoff SB (2013). A quantitative
meta-analysis and review of motor learning in the human
brain. NeuroImage, 67, 283-297. [PDF]
Sami S, Miall
RC (2013) Graph network analysis of immediate motor-learning
induced changes in resting state BOLD. Frontiers in
Human Neuroscience 7: 166. doi:
10.3389/fnhum.2013.00166 [PDF]
Lesage E,
Morgan BE, Olson AC, Meyer AS & Miall RC (2012).
Cerebellar rTMS disrupts predictive language processing. Current
Biology, 22, R794 [PDF]
Nazarpour K,
Ethier C, Paninski L, Rebesco JM, Miall RC & Miller LE.
(2012) EMG prediction from motor cortical recordings via a
non-negative point process filter IEEE Trans. Biomed.
Eng,59: 1829-38. [PDF]
Pope P &
Miall RC (2012) Task-specific facilitation of cognition by
cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation of the
cerebellum. Brain Stimulation, 5: 84-94 [PDF]
Rawle C,
Miall RC & Praamstra P (2012) Frontoparietal theta
activity supports behavioral decisions in movement-target
selection. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 6: 138:
1-11 [PDF]
Thomaschke R,
Hopkins B & Miall RC (in press). The Planning and
Control Model (PCM) of motorvisual priming: Reconciling
motorvisual impairment and facilitation effects. Psychological
Review 119, 388-407 [PDF]
Balslev D,
Gowen E & Miall RC (2011) Decreased visual attention
further from the perceived direction of gaze for equidistant
retinal targets. J Cog Neurosci. 23(3):661-669. [PDF]
Pope P, Miall
RC (2011) How might the cerebellum participate in motor
control, if life without one is possible? ACNR, 10:
16-18. [PDF]
Praamstra P,
Torney L, Rawle C, Miall RC (2011) Misconceptions about
mirror-induced motor cortex activation. Cerebral Cortex:
21,1935-1940. [PDF]
R., Hopkins, B., & Miall, R. C. (2011). The role of
cue-response mapping in motorvisual impairment and
facilitation: Evidence for different roles of action
planning and action control in motorvisual dual-task
priming. JEP: Human Perception and Performance. doi:
10.1037/a0024794. [PDF]
Albert N,
Peiris Y, Cohen , Miall RC & Praamstra P (2010)
Interference effects from observed movement in Parkinson's
disease. J Motor Behavior 42:145-149 [PDF]
Balslev D,
Albert NB & Miall RC (2010) Eye muscle proprioception is
represented bilaterally in the sensorimotor cortex. Human
Brain Mapping 32: 624:631. [PDF]
Galea J,
Albert N, Sami S & Miall RC (2010) Secondary tasks
impair adaptation to step and gradual visual displacements.
Exp Brain Res 202: 473-484. [PDF]
Jackson CPT,
Miall RC (2010) Illusory force perception following a
voluntary limb movement. NeuroReport (in press). [PDF]
Jackson CPT,
Balslev D, Miall RC (2010) Spatially valid proprioceptive
cues improve the detection of a visual stimulus. Exp
Brain Res 205: 31-40. [PDF]
Jenkinson E.
& Miall RC (2010) Disruption of saccadic adaptation with
repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the
posterior cerebellum in the human. Cerebellum (in press).
Stanley J,
Gowen E, Miall RC (2010) How instructions modify perception:
an fMRI study investigating brain areas involved in
attributing human agency. NeuroImage 52: 389-400. [PDF]
Welchman AE,
Stanley J, Schomers MR, Miall RC & Bulthoff HH (2010)
The quick and the dead: when reaction beats intention. Proc
R Soc B 277: 1667-1674. [PDF]
Albert N,
Roberston E, Miall RC (2009) The resting human brain and
motor learning. Current Biology, 19: 1-5. [PDF] (see Dispatches
Galea J,
Albert N & Miall R.C. (2009) Disruption of the
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex facilitates the consolidation
of procedural skills. J Cogn. Neurosci. 22: 1158-1164
Lewis PA,
Miall R.C. (2009) The precision of temporal judgement -
milliseconds, many minutes, and beyond. Phil. Trans.
Roy. Soc. B. 364:1897-905.[PDF]
Nazarpour K,
Praamstra P, Miall R.C. & Sanei S. (2009) Brain Computer
Interfacing via Steady-State Movement Related Potentials.
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 56:2104-13 [PDF]
Miall R.C.,
Gowen E. & Tchalenko J. (2009) Drawing cartoon faces - a
functional imaging study of the cognitive neuroscience of
drawing. Cortex 45: 394-406.[PDF]
Ronsse R.,
Miall R.C., Swinnen S. (2009) Multisensory integration in
dynamical behaviours: maximum likelihood estimation across
bimanual skill learning. J. Neurosci.,29: 8419-8428 [PDF]
Stanley J,
Miall RC. (2009) Using predictive motor control processes in
a cognitive task: behavioral and neuroanatomical
perspectives.Adv Exp Med
Biol. 629: 337-54 [PDF]
Tchalenko J.
& Miall R.C. (2009) Eye-hand strategies in copying
complex lines. Cortex 45: 368-376. [PDF]
Balslev D
& Miall R.C. (2008) Eye position representation in human
anterior parietal cortex. J Neurosci. 28: 8968-8972. [PDF]
Stanley.J & Miall.R.C. (2008) Movement
interference in autism spectrum disorder. Neuropsychologia,
46: 1060-1068. [PDF]
Jackson, C.P.T., Miall R.C., Vijayakumar S. (2009) Unifying
the sensory and motor components of sensorimotor adaptation.
N.I.P.S. (2008). [PDF]
C.P.T. & Miall R.C. (2008) Contralateral manual
compensation for velocity-dependent force perturbations. Exp
Brain Res. 184: 261-267.[PDF]
Miall R.C.,
King,D. (2008) State estimation in the human lateral
cerebellum. Cerebellum 7: 572-576. [PDF]
Wong M.F.K.,
Miall R.C., Bain P.G. & Liu, X. (2008) The onset of
voluntary reactive movement is temporally influenced by the
central oscillation in action tremor caused by multiple
sclerosis. Neurosci Lettrs, 445: 122-125. [PDF]
Balslev D.,
Braet W., McAllister C. & Miall R.C. (2007)
Inter-individual variability in optimal coil orientation for
transcranial magnetic stimulation of the motor cortex. J.
Neurosci. Methods 16:309-313[PDF]
Balslev, D.,
Cole, J. & Miall R.C. (2007) Proprioception contributes
to the sense of agency during visual observation of hand
movements: evidence from temporal judgments of action. J
Cogn. Neuroscience, 19: 1535-1541.[PDF]
Balslev, D.,
Cole, J. & Miall R.C. (2007) Proprioceptive
deafferentation slows down the processing of visual hand
feedback. Journal of Vision: 7: 12.1-7. [PDF]
Galea J.,
Miall R.C., Wooley, D. (2007) Asymmetric interlimb
transfer of concurrent adaptation to opposing dynamic
forces. Exp. Brain Res., 182: 267-273 [PDF]
Gowen E.,
Abadi R.V., Poliakoff E., Hansen P.C., Miall R.C. (2007)
Modulation of saccadic intrusions by exogenous and
endogenous attention. Brain Res.1141:154-167[PDF]
Gowen E.
& Miall R.C. (2007) The cerebellum and motor dysfunction
in neuropsychiatric disorders. Cerebellum, 6:
268-279. [PDF]
Gowen E.
& Miall R.C. (2007) Differentiation between external and
internal cuing: An fMRI study comparing tracing with
drawing. NeuroImage 36: 396-410. [PDF]
Miall R.C.,
Christensen L.O.D., Cain O., Stanley J. (2007) Disruption of
state estimation in the human lateral cerebellum. PLoS
Biology 5: 2733-2744. [PDF]
Stanley J.,
Gowen E. & Miall R.C. (2007) Interference in
performed movement during observation of a moving dot
stimulus. JEP-HPP, 33: 915-926. [PDF]
Stanley J.
& Miall R.C. (2007) Functional activation in
parieto-premotor and visual areas dependent on congruency
between hand movement and visual stimuli during motor-visual
priming. NeuroImage, 34: 290-299. [PDF]
Swait G.,
Rushton A.B., Miall R.C. (2007) Evaluation of cervical
proprioceptive function: Optimising protocols and comparison
between tests in normal subjects. Spine 32(24):
E692-701. [PDF]
Galea J.,
Miall R.C. (2006). Concurrent adaptation to opposing visual
displacements during an alternating movement. Exp. Brain
Res. 175:676-688.[PDF]
Gowen E.,
Miall R.C. (2006) Eye-hand Interactions in Tracing and
Drawing Tasks. Human Movement Science 25:568-85. [PDF]
Hatada Y.,
Miall R.C., Rossetti Y. (2006) Two waves of a long-lasting
after-effect of prism adaptation measured over 7 days.
Exp. Brain Res. 169: 417-426[PDF]
Hatada Y.,
Rossetti Y., Miall R.C.(2006) Long
lasting aftereffect of a single prism adaptation: shifts in
vision and proprioception are independent. Exp. Brain
Hatada Y.,
Miall R.C., Rossetti Y. (2006) Long lasting aftereffect of a
single prism adaptation: directionally biased shift in
proprioception and late onset shift of internal egocentric
reference frame. Exp. Brain Res. 174:189-198[PDF]
Lewis P.A.,
Miall R.C. (2006) A right hemispheric prefrontal system for
cognitive time measurement. Behavioural Processes
71: 226-34.[PDF]
Lewis P.A.,
Miall R.C. (2006) Remembering the time - a continuous clock.
Trends in Cogntive Neuroscience, 10: 401-406[PDF]
Miall R.C.
& Cole, J.D. (2006) Evidence for stronger visuo-motor
than visuo-proprioceptive conflict during mirror drawing
performed by a deafferented subject and control subjects. Experimental
Brain Research. 176:432-439[PDF]
Miall R.C.,
Jackson, J. (2006) Adaptation to visual feedback delays in
manual tracking - evidence against the Smith Predictor model
of human visually guided action. Exp. Brain Res. 172:
77-84. [PDF]
Miall R.C.,
Stanley J., Todhunter S., Levick C., Lindo S., Miall J.D.
(2006) Performing hand actions assists the visual
discrimination of similar hand postures Neuropsychologia
44: 966-976 [PDF]
Glover, S.,
R.C. Miall & Rushworth, M.F.S. (2005) Parietal rTMS
disrupts the initiation but not execution of on-line
adjustments to a perturbation of object size. J. Cogn.
Neurosci. 17: 124-136 [PDF]
Gowen E.,
Miall R.C. (2005) Behavioural aspects of cerebellar function
in adults with Asperger syndrome.Cerebellum
4:279-289. [PDF]
Miall R.C.,
Jenkinson N. (2005) Functional imaging of changes in
cerebellar activity related to learning during a novel
eye-hand tracking task. Exp. Brain Res. 166:170-183.
Pope P., Wing
A.M., Praamstra P. & Miall R.C. (2005) Force related
activations in rhythmic sequence production. NeuroImage
27: 909-918. [PDF]
Balslev D,
Christensen LOD, Lee JH, Law I, Paulson OB, Miall R.C.
(2004) Enhanced accuracy in novel mirror drawing following
rTMS-induced proprioceptive deafferentation. J
Neurosci., 24: 9698-9702. [PDF]
Jenkinson N.,
Nandi D., Miall R.C., Stein J.F., Aziz, T. (2004)
Pedunculopontine nucleus stimulation improves akinesia in a
Parkinsonian monkey. NeuroReport 15: 2621-2624.[PDF]
Lewis P.A.,
Wing A.M., Praamstra P. & Miall R.C. (2004) Brain
activity correlates differentially with increasing temporal
complexity of rhythms during selection, synchronisation, and
continuation phases of paced finger tapping.
Neuropsychologia, 42: 1301-1312 [PDF]
Miall R.C.,
Jenkinson E, Kulkarni K. (2004) Adaptation to rotated visual
feedback - a re-examination of motor interference. Exp.Brain
Res.154: 201-210. [PDF]
Miall R.C.,
Christensen L.O.D. (2004) The effect of rTMS over the
cerebellum in normal human volunteers on peg-board movement
performance. Neurosci. Lettrs. 371: 185-189. [PDF]
Ramnani N.
& Miall R.C. (2004) A circuit in the human brain for
predicting the actions of others. Nature
Neuroscience, 7: 85-90 [PDF]
Robertson EM,
Pascual-Leone A & Miall R.C. (2004) Current concepts in
procedural consolidation. Nature Rev Neurosci,5:
576-582. [PDF]
Wang S-Y, Liu
X., Yianni J., Miall R.C., Aziz T.Z., Stein J.F. (2004)
Optimising coherence estimation to assess the functional
correlation of tremor-related activity between the
subthalamic nucleus and the forearm muscles. J. Neurosci.
Methods,136: 197-205 [PDF]
R.J., Ingram H.A. & Miall R.C. (2003) System
Identification Applied to a Visuomotor Task: Near-Optimal
Human Performance in a Noisy Changing Task. J. Neurosci.
23: 3066-3075. [PDF]
Lewis P.A.
& Miall R.C. (2003) Distinct systems for automatic and
cognitively controlled time measurement: evidence from
neuroimaging. Current Opinion NeuroBiology, 13:1-6. [PDF]
Lewis P.A.
& Miall R.C. (2003) Brain activation patterns during
measurement of sub- and supra-second intervals. Neuropsychologia
41:1583-1592 [PDF]
Lewis P.A.,
Miall R.C., Daan S. & Kacelnik A. (2003) Interval timing
does not rely upon the circadian pacemaker. Neuroscience
Letters, 348:131-134 [PDF]
Liu X.,
Robertson EM, Miall R.C. (2003) Neuronal activity related to
the visual representation of arm movements in the lateral
cerebellar cortex. J Neurophysiol. 89: 1223-1237.[PDF]
Ramnani N.
& Miall R.C. (2003) Instructed delay activity in the
human prefrontal cortex is modulated by monetary reward
expectation.Cerebral Cortex. 13: 318-327 [PDF]
Reed DW, Liu,
X. & Miall R.C. (2003) On-line feedback control of
visually guided slow ramp tracking: Effects of spatial
separation of visual cues.Neurosci.
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Lewis P.A.
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